Authentic Wealth is bigger than just financial accumulation – it recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of life. It is created when your resources (the 5 levers – Finances, Mindset, Relationships, Health and Time) are aligned with your values, your vision and are ultimately used to achieve the impact you want to have on yourself, your family, your community and the world.
“History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” – Mark Twain
Carson Group’s Ryan Detrick shares key events we saw in the past quarter and how we think they’ll affect markets in the rest of 2023: Watch Video Here
Brené Brown’s research suggests that the average number of emotions that a person can identify is 3… happy, sad and angry. But I think you’ll agree that there are many more than just those three. But perhaps what isn’t obvious is how high emotional self-awareness can be beneficial.
In this article, Daniel Goleman notes that “a high level of skill with the Emotional Self-Awareness competency predicts your overall success at work” along with other research findings.
Read the article for tools on developing emotional self-awareness here.
As we mentioned in a previous Five Lever Friday, the Harvard Study of Adult Development found that relationships are a major determinant of happiness. And we would argue that good communication skills help facilitate quality relationships.
With that in mind, the Abaris 5 Lever Book Club read Crucial Conversations- Tools for Talking When Stakes are High this month. The authors define a crucial conversation as one where opinions differ, the stakes are significant, and emotions are high. They recommend taking the following steps to frame a crucial conversation:
1) Start With The Heart – Lead with openness, compassion and curiosity
2) Stay in Dialogue – Keep lines of communication open
3) Make it Safe – Avoid defensiveness with respect for the other person
4) Don’t Get Hooked By Emotions – Use self-awareness to name your emotions and stay focused on the end goal
5) Agree on a Mutual Purpose – Identify common goals and interests
6) Separate Facts From Story – Be clear on evidence/facts vs the meaning we make of them
7) Agree on Clear Action Plan – Bring the conversation to closure with clear action items
Learn more about the Abaris 5 Lever Book Club here
Healthspan vs. Lifespan. When we think about managing your health to achieve your vision and create impact, what does that really mean? We would argue that we are looking to extend the length of time that you can continue to do the activities you love and those activities which move you towards your vision.
Check out this article on the difference between healthspan and lifespan.
We have a lot of thoughts on the book Die with Zero by Bill Perkins – but for today we’ll talk about his concept of time buckets vs a bucket list.
The idea is to create a timeline of your life that is grouped into 10 year “buckets”. Then you brainstorm all of the experiences you might like to have and place them in a bucket. For example, you may want to take an “Around the World” cruise. You might place that experience in a bucket for ages 60-70 whereas climbing Mt. Everest might be in your 40-50 bucket. This process not only gets your creative juices flowing but it also brings clarity to the concept that some experiences may be a better fit for one decade vs another.
Read an excerpt of the book here.